I have a poster of yours “Life in the Vast Lane” . Reading some of your words about landscape and North Dakota reminded me of why I love ND landscape. I remet one of my classmates at my 5oth high school reunion in Bismarck last year. In the conversation I mentioned that I had your poster and she went ballistic! It turns out that the picture is of her family’s farm. She wants a print to give to her third daughter, but mine is NOT for sale. I live in California and watch the ND weather in winter on the news. I don’t miss the winters.
Carol Grande
I have a poster of yours “Life in the Vast Lane” . Reading some of your words about landscape and North Dakota reminded me of why I love ND landscape. I remet one of my classmates at my 5oth high school reunion in Bismarck last year. In the conversation I mentioned that I had your poster and she went ballistic! It turns out that the picture is of her family’s farm. She wants a print to give to her third daughter, but mine is NOT for sale. I live in California and watch the ND weather in winter on the news. I don’t miss the winters.
Carol Grande